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Computer Simulation

The simulation services we currently provide are:

At PrimeWorks ONE we heavily use computer simulation, providing our clients with the added value of its many benefits, including:


  • Ability to  test equipment and predict behavior in the design phase

  • Ability to test multiple design configurations in a short amount of time

  • Reduced time and cost, compared to physical experiments and prototypes

  • Eliminated risk of hazardous testing conditions

  • Reduced R&D time and cost, translating in faster time to market

  • Complex problem solving through digital testing and scenarios, preventing unforeseen operational conditions

  • Deeper insight into behavior of processes and equipment that sparks creativity

  • Ability to visualize and quantify variables of interest without expensive equipment

  • Empowerment of engineers to make the right decision with "visible" confidence 



Why do Computer Simulation

with PrimeWorks ONE?


We have robust in-house software and hardware capabilities to tackle complex engineering challenges, supported by a strong technical background. Our technology allows you access resources, results, and information with your own personal account, protected by the latest technology, no matter how large the data.


We can work with your team on a project basis, as consultants, or we can integrate with your team adding technical expertise or resources when necessary as staff augmentation. We can also partner with you for product or process development through simulation.



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